In The Beginning ... Llama
With our family responsibilities becoming less time consuming, it was important to develop a hobby that could be continued into the later years of our lives. Our two main criteria were that it had to involve interaction with animals and increase the time we spent outdoors. I researched for twelve months and considered a variety of species before deciding that llamas would suit my needs perfectly. I have never been disappointed.

The llamas suit our rugged granite hills and valleys in the Strathbogie Ranges and I have developed a real passion for trekking. Then there was all this delicious llama fibre, so soft and warm . . . I just had to do something with it. This was another journey of discovery and I am truly delighted that I have succeeding in producing the fibre and yarn to such a very high quality. I am always surprised by the colours and softeness of the fibre, and have astounded myself that I can spin and knit the yarn so easily, into beautiful garments and products.
Our New Adventure .... Gotland Sheep
It was a natural progression from llama fibre to wool. I needed another fibre to complement what I had started with the llama. After two years of research Gotland Sheep was my choice. ( I have summarised my reasons on the Why Gotland page).
I acknowledge my breeding program is in it’s infancy, however we are increasing our numbers now we have approx 430 sheep we breed for diversity so there is an array of natural colours, for the hand spinners, knitters, felters and fibre artists. We hope to continue to improve the soft handle and high lustre which are a hallmark feature of the Gotland breed. All sheep are individually tagged so that fleeces can be reodered.
The Future
Our over arching aim is to register Granite Haven Gotland Sheep Stud and become a foundling member of Gotland Sheep Australia to not only enhance our business but to assist the breed to expand in Australia.We have not realized this as it is a long journey
As our herd increases in size we will be able to sell our sheep for breeding and product, as well as have both pelts and meat for sale to the public.NO SHEEP FOR SALE AS YET STILL ALOT TO DO
Watch this space for future information, or view our Facebook page where we will keep you up to date with our progress.